Accepted Materials for Dumping

  • Concrete & Asphalt

All Material must be sized to 2 feet or smaller. Larger pieces will be charged additional fees.

We will not accept trash, wood, asbestos, plastic, sod, petro-mat, red clay brick, tiles, cinder block, dirt, grass, or any other hazardous materials.

Anyone dumping prohibited materials will be reloaded and charged an additional fee.

  • Concrete with Steel

Rebar must be trimmed within 2” of concrete or additional fees will be applied.

We will not accept concrete with wire mesh.


Dump Fees

Truck Size: Clean Concrete
(2' x 2')
Clean Asphalt
(2' x 2')
w/ Trailer:
10 Wheeler:$100.00$110.00
Super 10:$125.00$135.00
End Dump:$150.00$160.00

Cash And All Major Credit Cards Accepted. Please bring correct denominations - change cannot be made on site.


Road Base Material for Sale:

  • Class 2 Road Base

  • CMB Road base

Please call 877-516-2322 for pricing.